2025 Spring Season
Begins Sunday, March 30th
Start Date: Sunday, March 30th
Time slots = 7am - 2pm
Weekly Highlights
Featured Videos on our Instagram @lilegends
5-Man Non-Contact: $695
8-Game Regular Season
Fields located in Suffolk County and Nassau County!
A = Top Competition
G = Beginner Teams Only
Booth Review: 2 Challenges per game
* As of the 2024 Fall Season, referee fees will be $50 per game *
Champions win a Free Season and champion shirts and trophy!
**Please note if you win a division, you must move up for the next season.**
Please email contact@LILegends.com with your sponsorship inquiry.
**New Rule as of Spring 2025 Season**
Roster Eligibility Rule
A and B
You can have as many guys on each team in A and B, but the QB must change. Or you can have the same QB in A and B, but that QB is the only person allowed on both A and B teams.
Only you and one other person on your C team are allowed to play on multiple teams in A and B. You can have 2 of the same players (including yourself) on your C team, as you have in A or B. You are not allowed to do this in D, E, or G.
D, E, G
You are the only person allowed to play on each team you play on in any other division in D, E, or G. You cannot play on the same team as someone you are playing with in another division in D, E, or G. You are the only person allowed to play on each team in D, E, or G.
Other rules to keep in mind:
#1. You are only required to play 3 regular season games to be eligible for Playoffs.
#2. Teams are required to bring 1 off color shirt or jersey, so both teams do not have the same color shirt or jersey.
#3. A point of emphasis will be put on the QB-Center, making sure the QB and Center do not run the same direction after the snap. If the QB is running right, the Center must run left.
(Click here for full list of rules for the league)
#4. Players submit rosters before Week 1. If the roster changes throughout the season, it must be communicated to the commissioner. Players require 3 games to be eligible for the playoffs, with exception of the commissioner exempt list, which may carry late season added free agents or IR players. You are allowed a maximum of 2 IR players per team. The players must actually be injured as well.
#5. The only flags we will allow are Pop Flags. Please be prepared to have pop flags before Week 1. We will not be selling Pop Flags. The standard pop flag belts have 2 pop flags on each side, not 3.
#6. Players are required to bring some sort of identification with them to the fields, in case they are drawn into question if they are on the team roster or not. This will allow the referee to check the roster list to the person's name, to make sure they are actually on the respective team playing that day. Players won't have to show their identification every week, unless drawn into question. Players must play 3 regular season games to be playoff eligible, unless deemed commissioner exempt.
#7. Please get new time requests in on Monday every week. Please understand a lot of teams request the same time slots, so give us some slack on time requests, but feel free to always follow up with us every week and mention if you need a time change. When submitting time requests, please send us 3 preferred time slots every Monday of each week during the season.
#8. We do our best to prevent forfeits. Just know if your team must forfeit the day of or night before the game and we cannot respond and make appropriate changes to fill the slot, we will ask for the regular referee fee of $50 as a "forfeit fee" to give to our referees for being there for the hour and no game happening. $25 goes to each referee for that game slot.
Pop Flags look like this: